visibility & pricing


All discounting and instructions are detailed at checkout. Simply follow the link of your choice in the above chart.

For the most current applicable terms of all service(s) offered, please see our Terms and Conditions. These are incorporated here by reference.

Key highlights are as follows:

> Ads appear on all pages featuring sponsors, except where page-exclusive promotion(s) may be designated.

> A featured banner in our Directory is included FREE with every sponsorship.

> Ads run in rotation, but appear 1st, 2nd, 3rd or more as indicated in the above chart, per each page (re)load.

> Services are typically month-to-month. Though, up to 20% discounting is available for longer service periods.

Except for content produced by HomeTownTV ("HTTV") herein, this page is a directory listing ONLY, based on public links. All (copy)rights of content, marks, names or likenesses (of individuals), and/or otherwise belong to the respective organizations (or individuals) featured. Notwithstanding specific collaboration between any related parties, NO endorsement of, by, or between HTTV and/or any of the featured organizations (or individuals) is otherwise intended or implied.